Matt Mucci ‘03 Visits Engineering Class

Jamie Lavigueur
Matt Mucci ‘03 visited Dr. Juliano's Engineering class this month to share about his career as an engineer - what he calls being "a professional problem-solver." He encouraged students to stay broad in their choice of what area of engineering to focus on and offered different examples of careers in engineering.
Over time, he said he’s found it valuable to not be as hard on himself as he once was. He encouraged students to let things go that they’re not able to do at a given point in time and to be patient with themselves. 
Matt has worked on several interesting projects over the years, including a role at a turkey factory, car safety design for the Tesla Model 3, and currently with industrial-size dishwashers. Thank you for sharing your story and expertise with us, Matt!
    • Matt Mucci ‘03 Visits Dr. Juliano's Engineering class in January.

St. Francis High School