Changes in the 2021 Schedule (outdated 4-26) (by Maeve Kiley '22)

Maeve Kiley '22
Finally, the world is starting to see improvements in global health revolving around the coronavirus pandemic. The vaccine is truly a God-sent gift, for it has lessened the danger for high-risk people and allowed the world to open a little more. The majority of states are moving into the next stage, and this has permitted schools to change as well. Though there are only a few weeks left, the administration finds it necessary to squeeze more days into the schedule to account for the many weeks that have been lost to coronavirus pandemic. After administration members voted and polls were sent out to the SFHS families, a decision was made to get rid of the Spartan Day and simply have an alternating schedule (Cohort A going in one day, Cohort B going in the next.) Lots of different opinions came flying in from parents, teachers, and students. Everyone seems to have his or her own idea on how the school schedule should be run and why it should be that way. Here are some of the opinions below:
A student finishing her senior year states that “Since I am a senior, I really only have two months left of high school so (honestly) my high school education is essentially over. I don’t really have much of an opinion.” 

This apathetic opinion resonates with most of the senior class. Many of them claim that they are “too far into” the year and simply don’t see why the last few weeks of their senior year warrant a strong enough opinion from them, seniors also took the shortest time to complete the poll, most only taking thirty-seconds to a minute; they really didn’t have to ponder much about the question.  

A freshman student says that he dislikes the new schedule because, “The only real difference is that now I have to actually think about which days I go into school.” This complaint pops up many times
; students are concerned that they may forget to come in one day or vice-versa. A lot of people preferred the set schedule: one person notes that “I get very confused on what days I am supposed to come in on, and I prefer to have a set schedule, this new change has my schedule changing every week, and it affects my job after school as well.” Athletes and workers are stressed with the constant need to schedule their extracurricular activities around their fluctuating school days.

One student likes the change because “The Spartan Days were hurtful, so not having them makes the week much better.” Many students disliked the Spartan Days due the many distractions that could affect the lesson and the constant staring at a screen that gave students headaches. The IT department has also been overflooded with different technology problems and troubles with TEAMS, Outlook, and OneNote. This has been a very technology heavy year, and many people are looking forward to a summer away from their computer screens. 

Hopefully, next year will involve less technology and more face-to-face interactions. People miss hanging out with their friends and seeing teachers and I am sure that the Freshmen are eager to experience all that SFHS has to offer in a normal school year. Just try to stay safe and remember to come in on the right day!

St. Francis High School